Linkposts and Categories

by Deep Thinker on 30 August, 2021, no comments

So this is still working, which is really promising! Dare I dare to hope?

There are still some things which I want to figure out, once I got the blogging part sorted out, to make this site a bit more homely and useful. I want to find a good way to link-post (á la Daring Fireball) which would need to be best from my iPhone or iPad news reader Reeder, as that is where I spent my most time on the web, as well as maybe directly from Twitter. There is the Marsedit web extension, and the integrated WordPress Press This bookmarklet, which both have their own unique advantages. I need to see if I can maybe figure out my own script to combine both into automatically posting to the site in my preferred format.

The other thing I want to look at is how to start using categories. At present all my posts are the category „Uncategorized“ which is pretty oxymoronic. I need to come up with a few simple categories to make looking for previous posts easier – but not overdo it.

Anyway – things are looking up so far! 

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